Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Blog #5: EOTO Reaction

    In watching and listening to all of the presentations I found them all fascinating to learn about. I learned so many new things about technologies I use everyday. One presentation that stood out to me was learning about the history of the google search engine. This intrigued me because google is something that I use in my everyday life that I could not imagine life without it.

    Google has had a major impact on the way we use the internet today. It was invented in 1995 by two Stanford students named Larry Page and Sergey Bryn. They originally called it "BackRub" relating to the back-links used in the web page. Google began to grow in popularity and created the mission statement: "To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." The company quickly grew in popularity and they soon had offers from companies like Yahoo for $3 million to buy the company. They realized the potential of their new invention and ran with it. From the years 2005-2012 google began to create new google ideas. They create google maps, google calendar, and so much more. They used google in every aspect to help make people's lives and internet searching easier.   

    This easier way of browsing on the internet made google extremely popular. The use of these things known as spiders made it possible for these quickly accessible searches. These spiders essentially "crawl" using an algorithm to find the information you are looking for using keywords in your searches. This allows for the information you are trying to find to appear in seconds, or even less, on your screen.
    The quick searches and other google platforms allowed for rapid growth in users of google. These google platforms are used every single day to help makes people's lives easier. The use of google has become so common to be used daily by professionals, students, and even just the average person.   

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Final Blog Post

    Technology has had a major impact on me and my life, as well as the world as a whole. The advances in technology have had both positive ...