Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Blog #2: The Supreme Court

    Before reading this article on the supreme court, I did not know much about it. I learned a lot about the supreme court from this article. One major concept that I learned was how much power the supreme court holds. The supreme court holds the power to create amendments to alter the constitution and bill of rights. An example the article discussed was the case of Brown v the Board of Education. In this case the supreme court made the decision to end segregation in schools. The supreme court makes many major decisions, such as this, that alters how Americans live their daily lives. 

 I was most surprised to learn that these supreme court justices are chosen then serve on the court until they pass away or retire. This was interesting and surprising to me because I did not know how the supreme court was chosen and how little they make changes to who serves on the court. The supreme court was originally made up of six justices but in 1869 a change was made and it is now made up of nine supreme court justices.

    A take-away that I got from this article was learning about the powers and authority of the supreme court. The supreme court justices are appointed by the president and are approves or denied by the senate. The the justice that holds the most power is known as the chief justice. The chief justice presides over the supreme court and also over trials of impeachment of the president of the United States.  

    I was surprised by everything I learned from this about the supreme court. I have a better understanding of how the supreme court works and what they are actually in charge of doing. This has changed how I view the supreme court because I now know the operations of it. I know how laws are made and changed by the supreme court the powers and jurisdiction they hold. I understand the importance of the supreme court and how their role in the judicial system impacts the nation and our lives.   

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