Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Blog #7: Innovations through the Diffusion Theory

    The Diffusion Theory of Innovation is a theory of how new ideas or innovations spread through the population. This model shown to the left shows the theory on a graph. It starts with the innovators, or pioneers, in the launch phase of the concept. This is the very beginning of the new idea. It then moves to the early adopters which is the uptake phase as the idea gains more traction. The next phase is the tipping point which includes the early majority of people using the new idea. The idea continues on to the late majority beginning to adapt to this new concept which happens in the maturation phase. Finally, this new idea goes to the laggards in the saturation phase. These are the people to last come to use this new idea.
    A newer innovation that has gone through this diffusion theory is instant messaging. Instant messaging was not always as popular as it is today. It went through the phases of the diffusion theory as well. In the first few years after its invention, instant messaging was not very popular. The early adopters consisted of people using it after the Iraq invasions of Kuwait in order to get news in real time. The spike in instant messaging usage occurred when they made the innovation to be able to message people under all different mobile networks
    While instant messaging was a huge innovation, there were still many late adopters as well as people who never adopted at all. Many did not adopt this innovation due to a generational gap. People in older generations had other ways to communicate that work for them and they did not find a need for this new innovation for communication. 
    Instant messaging also comes with many downsides and negative impacts. When sending messages, people send them quickly without thinking. This could cause them to send things they don't mean or send messages that do not even make sense. There are also many privacy issues that could lead to identity theft or viruses on your server.
    Instant messaging was a major innovation that impacted how we communicate with others. This innovation went through the diffusion theory and shows the example of users using a new innovation to change their lives.     

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