Thursday, October 5, 2023

Final Blog Post

    Technology has had a major impact on me and my life, as well as the world as a whole. The advances in technology have had both positive and negative affects on people. Personally, I think technology has been more positive than negative in my own personal life. 

    Of course there are some unhealthy factors that come with my technology usage, but I think the healthy effects overpower those. For instance, technology helps me to interact and stay in touch with my friends and family more easily. I am hundreds of miles away from many people that I used to see everyday including my parents, my boyfriend, and my best friends. Having the ability to text or call them right in the palm of my hands helps to foster and grow those relationships. I am able to talk to them in an instant and can remain a part of their daily lives, even if I do not see them every single day.
    Another positive impact of technology is the quick access to information. I am able to learn of new and old information at the click of a button. News travels faster and research can be done more efficiently. This quick access to information is extremely helpful to students, such as myself. I am able to research a topic for an assignment or use google searches to learn more about a topic for an exam.    
    With these positives comes the negatives as well. This use of technology as communication can lead to a lot of miscommunication. Meaning can get lost in the text and come across to people in a different way than it was intended. Examples of miscommunication is seem in all technological communications
whether it is professional or amongst friends. 
    In using technology to communicate in the workplace, miscommunication arises. This miscommunication and misinterpretation occurs from both employees and employers. This leads to a decline in employee engagement within the workforce.

    Using technology in every aspect of our lives has become extremely normalized. We use technology every single single day in our daily lives without even realizing it. In normalizing technology, we also get a decrease in privacy. Our privacy is so easily invaded through technology usage. People, myself included, allow this invasion of privacy without even realizing it. We accept cookies, agree to terms and conditions, and share information without thinking twice about what we are truly agreeing to. We are creating our digital footprint which in return makes our personal information easily accessible. 

    While technology has been very useful in today's day and age, it also raises many concerns. As previously stated, technology has immensely improved how we are able to communicate today. This improvement in communication has helped our society advance as a whole. On the downside, technology and its advances allow people to have little to no privacy in their lives. Every single thing a person does can be tracked down due to current technology. Technology has impacted our society as well as each individual themselves. The way we live our lives, complete simple tasks, and even communicate with one another has been altered and impacted by the use of technology, wether it is in a positive or negative way. 

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Final Blog Post

    Technology has had a major impact on me and my life, as well as the world as a whole. The advances in technology have had both positive ...