Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Blog #1: Top Five News Sources

 In my life I hear about current events through many different new outlets. Some are more traditional outlets, but most could be considered an untraditional way to keep up to date with the news. My top five new sources would include: 1) Tik Tok 2) Instagram 3) Google News 4) Class 5) NBC news. Though they might not all be the most traditional new outlets, I think they are growing and all fairly common today.

1) Tik Tok

    Tik Tok is an app that I use every single day. While it is an app for everything, I find out a majority of my news from here. Since I am on it so much, I am able to see up to date news on here because people upload so quickly. I can also view other new sources from this one app. New outlets such as Fox, CNN, ABC, and so much more all post their latest news in a quick video on tik tok. An example of how I use this in my life is the recent events of the shooting at UNC. I first saw this tragic event through tik tok as I was on my "For You Page." Your for you page is a section on tik tok with videos specifically for you.  I saws a video regarding what had just occurred at UNC only hours before. I was then able to share this video to my friends and family and use tik tok to spread the news of this horrific event.  Using tik tok as a news outlet has become very common as many people spend a lot of time on this app. It is a quick and easy way to widely spread news. 

2) Instagram  

    Instagram is another profound app in sharing news. In a very similar way to tik tok, instagram is used by various news sources to share the current news. People spend a majority of their time on apps liked instagram therefore it is a very efficient way to share what is happening in the world around them. It is a very modernized way to remain updated on the news. Millennials and Gen Z are beginning to turn to apps such as instagram as a primary news source. These younger generations tend to use this as a way to learn information and news because it is how they were raised. They were raised in the age of social media and as a result they turn to social media for everything. The latest, trends, ideas, and even news all are often learned through scrolling on their instagram feed. Using instagram as a news source is fast and simple and extremely common amongst younger generations.

3) Google News

    Google News is a source that I do not use as often as social media sources. This is one of the sources I use to learn more information about a news event. Google News is a great source I use to do more research on what is currently happening. If i hear about certain news, but I do not know much about it, I research it on google news in order to learn the specifics of the event. An example of how I used google news recently in my life is with Hurricane Idalia. My family had asked me how the hurricane was going to effect me in North Carolina. I did not know much about the upcoming hurricane, so I used google news to learn about the hurricane. I was able to gain information from this and could inform my family that the hurricane would not hit the part of North Carolina that I am in. Google News is very useful to dive deeper on news and get the full story of the events occurring. 

4) Class

    I find that I learn a lot of useful information and news through class. Especially in Media Law and Literacy, I am able to learn news that I have not yet heard. An example of this is I learned about Trump getting arrested in Georgia. I had not heard anything about this and it was enlightening to learn about. I was able to hear others opinion on the news as well as the facts of what occurred. Class is a useful way to learn news and information because you are able to get different perspectives on a situation. You can learn about the event in different ways and gain an insight on a topic that you had not thought of in that way before. Also hearing of news from an adult perspective is interesting as well. I am able to learn the facts of these events as well as how they abide by or break our constitutional first amendment rights. Class opens me up to many new stories and events that I had not heard of as well as new ways to look at these concepts.

5) NBC News

        Nbc news is a more traditional news outlet that I use. I tend to use NBC through other sources. I will watch NBC videos through tik tok or instagram. I watch their news posts most often through social media. I also use their online sources, like the articles posted, when looking up a specific news story. I use NBC to learn more about a story I heard little about. One way I used NBC that was helpful to learn information was about the Idaho murders last year. I learned of this news through an NBC post on tik tok and did further research into it using an article they posted. While I do not watch the news channel on TV, it is also a great way to get live news stories everyday. This news outlet is useful because it can be found everywhere. It is on TV, social media apps, the internet, and is an extremely accessible news source. NBC is a great source to use in order to get facts about current events happening around us.       

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