Monday, September 4, 2023

Blog #3: Eight Values of Free Expression

 One of the eight values of free expression that stood out to me was the fourth one. The fourth value deals with individual self-fulfillment. This stood out to me because having the right to freely express yourself through speech and other aspects allows individuality. Each person can create their own identity under this value. The government does not have the right to control your thoughts, words, actions or identity, as long as it is protected under the first amendment. 

We use this value every single day in our lives. Each and every one of us is different and unique and that stems from this value. We are granted this right to individuality from our government. As quoted in this article, "What makes the United States distinctive is the emphasis on the individual’s rights. And that includes the individual’s right to choose and shape his or her own identity. It’s not set in stone." The United States allows this shaping of each individual's identity through our constitutional rights and amendments. This means that every person can freely speak and think for themselves without the government punishing them for these words and thoughts. Though this is a right we are granted, in recent events I believe this right has been violated. Here is a list of some elected officials who have been banned on various social media platforms including twitter, facebook, and youtube. This is taking away a right to freely express their individual thoughts on these platforms. One of these cases is dealing with former President of the United States, Donald Trump. It states that he was banned from twitter permanently on January 8,2021. The cause for banning him was for potentially inciting violence. The acts that took place at the US Capitol were blamed on Trump's speech, claiming that he incited these actions. In Trump's speech he used the words "peacefully' and "patriotically." He did not incite violence, he simply wanted to protest the election which he believed was inaccurate. These thoughts and a peaceful protest are allowed under the first amendment and this value of identity. He had the right to speak his mind and share his thoughts on the election.

This value of individuality and identity resonates most with me because of instances like this. I believe in the right to have freedom of speech and identity. In order to have an identity you must be able to speak your mind and have the right to freely think your opinions and express them openly.  In this time, identity is extremely valuable and important to people. It allows people to express themselves in appropriate manners. This concept is rare outside of the United States and punishing people for a tweet or a thought goes against this right and value of free expression. 

This fourth value of individual self-fulfillment stood out to me because it directly correlates to individuality of an identity. If our nation knew these amendments and rights and practiced them in the world, issues like these would be avoided. We would all know our own rights and be able to implement them in our lives correctly.         


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