Thursday, September 28, 2023

Blog #10: Age of AI

    AI is a tool that has become increasingly popular extremely quickly. AI stands for artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a new technology that has had a rapid growth within our world. This age of AI that we live in comes with many new innovations. These innovations bring positives and negatives to our world.

    In this video, these advantages and disadvantages of AI are brought up. AI has grown and advanced which has threatened the workforce of many Americans. These robots are taking the jobs of people therefore affecting their income and their way of life. While to product numbers are increasing, the amount of workers and available jobs are decreasing.

    Many of these positives and negatives of AI also deal with the nature of our privacy. AI can be used to find out private and personal information about an individual. As stated in the documentary by someone with knowledge of AI, "you would be horrified if you knew how much we knew about you."  These companies know private information about billions of people. 

    Companies have been caught in situations in which they were collecting personal information from people using their site. An example of this shown in the documentary is with Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg is the creator of facebook. His company was caught collecting data of information from its users. He was fined $5 billion for this situation by the Federal Trade Commission. After this, Facebook now prioritizes data protection for its users. 

    After watching this documentary, my view on AI and technology has shifted. It has shifted to a more negative view on this technology. AI is a scary technology that has access to too much information. This technology can be used to quickly access information people believe to be private. This access to information can be used for identity theft or fraud. People need to be more aware of this easy access of their private, personal information by using artificial technologies.


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Final Blog Post

    Technology has had a major impact on me and my life, as well as the world as a whole. The advances in technology have had both positive ...